The Asante Akyem North District Police Commander, ASP Samuel Azugu, has been transferred following renewed tensions between nomadic herdsmen and indigenes of the area, notably in Agogo.
This follows the news of the shooting of three soldiers and a police officer who are part of a task-force set up to evict nomadic herdsmen in the district.
[contextly_sidebar id=”nJePSXSL0g9tcjpBH4ncH5MrM1ViSsT7″]The transfer took effect Monday, January 8, 2018, and he has since been replaced with DSP Joe Appiah.
He has been transferred to head the Foase District Police Command in the Atwima Kwanwoma District inthe Ashanti Region.
There have been noted tensions in the area on multiple fronts as ASP Samuel Azugu recently accused the District Chief Executive of the area of ordering some military personnel to attack him after he released a Fulani herdsman arrested by the task-force.
ASP Azugu had been accused of compromising his position in the enforcement of a court order to evict nomadic herdsmen with their cattle from the area.
The Asante Akyem North District Security Council welcomed the replacement of the Police Commander.
The District Chief Executive, Francis Oti Boateng, met the new police commander, DSP Joe Appiah with other members of the District Security Council on how best to implement an order to evict the herdsmen with their cattle.
No confidence in commander
Commenting on the development after a DISEC meeting on Tuesday, the Member of Parliament for the area, Andy Appiah-Kubi, said the former Police Commander of the area had lost the confidence of the people.
“I personally did not have confidence in him and I can assure you that not many people in this community have confidence in him… Having spoken to a number of people in this community, we are sure that we have not received the best of service from him and therefore we are not confident he can handle security in this community,” the MP remarked.
By: Hafiz Tijani/