Instagram’s Snapchat Stories clone, aptly named Instagram Stories, is now being used by 250 million users every day. Instagram revealed the new milestone Tuesday when it announced a minor update for its live video streaming feature, allowing users to share recordings of their concluded live streams via Stories.
Instagram launched Stories as its answer to Snapchat Stories last August, and has since seen continuous growth in engagement. The Facebook-owned photo sharing service announced in April that Instagram Stories had grown to 200 million monthly active users.
With this latest growth metric, it’s clear that Instagram Stories has handily surpassed Snapchat, which ended Q1 with 166 million daily active users. Snapchat had 158 million daily users by the end of 2016, and recent third-party estimates suggest that the company may reveal little additional growth, or perhaps even a usage decline, when it releases its Q2 earnings in August.
Instagram introduced live video streaming last November with a focus on private live streams for friends and followers. The company hasn’t released any detailed metrics about the usage of its live streaming feautre, but said Tuesday that “millions of people” had made use of it.
Source: BBC