How to find Mr Right? Love is a strange thing and it’s true when people say that it can make you blind. It can be a very painful moment, when you discover that the person you love is not actually right for you. Then you have to deal with the harsh reality of taking the decision that will hurt, but in the long run, be best for the both of you. Don’t let love blind you, because it won’t bring true happiness; read these ten signs that two people might not have been made for each other, after all.
1. You are happier when they are not around
Everyone has the right to enjoy a little time on their own but, if you find that these moments are when you are at your happiest, then something may be wrong. Think about it; did you really need to spend that extra night in the hotel on your last business trip?
2. You feel that you need to change your partner
If you find yourself thinking that you wish your partner were different, then maybe you are beginning to think that you wish your partner were a different person altogether. It’s hard to change the way that a person is and you should really love them for who they are, not for what you think you can make them be.
3. There are more differences of opinion than there are agreements
No two people will ever agree on everything and that’s why compromise is such an important thing in a relationship. However, if there are too many irreconcilable differences, then you might not be as made for each other as you thought.
4. Your intimacy has become tasteless and meaningless
Bedroom fun isn’t everything but a lack of it can be an indication that things are not right. This is even more so, when you realise that neither of you are actually too bothered that you no longer share an intimate relationship.
5. You don’t talk to each other
The importance of communication in a relationship is often mentioned, but it’s not just the quantity that counts, it’s the quality. In a healthy relationship, you can talk about anything and everything. When you find though, that all you talk about are the unimportant topics, then you probably don’t have as close a bond, as you may have thought.
6. You find yourself thinking about members of the opposite gender
We are all only human and it’s perfectly natural to notice a really gorgeous girl or a hot guy, but when you start to imagine yourself in a relationship with another person, then that is definitely a sign that you are not truly happy in your current relationship.
7. You go to other people with your problems
In a solid relationship, you should be able to turn to your partner with just about any problem. Being made for each other also means trusting each other enough to be able to ask for help, when you need it.
8. You don’t share the same dreams
Do you share the same vision for the future, or there are separate paths on your minds? If your goals and ambitions are not compatible, then there could be trouble ahead and it is unlikely that you could really say that you are made for each other.
9. When you add up the pros and cons, the cons have it!
For a completely unscientific means of testing your compatibility, make a list of the things about the relationship that make you unhappy and those that make you happy and count up the score. It may not be accurate, but it will give you a good indication of how you feel about the relationship.
10. Be honest with yourself
Coming to a decision that you are not really as compatible with your partner as you thought is a tough one, and one that most people would rather not face up to. Remember though, this is the rest of your life that you are thinking about here, so be honest with yourself. Talk it through with friends and family and, if you can, talk about it to your partner. Your partner might agree, but just didn’t want to raise the topic themselves.
What are other signs that two people were not made for each other?
Stay happy!
Source: Beauty and Tips