The group calling itself the Saltpond Forum, has reiterated its threat to boycott voting in the upcoming elections if those seeking their mandate, fail to address the challenges facing the people of the area.
According to the group, Saltpond has been deprived of basic developmental projects since 1960.
[contextly_sidebar id=”OUB8KrgqcpJwe10POaR3B4uM0AUVyEex”]The forum on 21st September 2016 at a news conference, highlighted the monumental challenges facing the capital of the Mfantseman Municipal Assembly, but nothing significant has been done about it.
But addressing the 2016 Parliamentary Candidate of the Mfantseman Constituency over the weekend, the President of the Saltpond Forum, Prof. Ransford Yaw Gyampo, said the forum would not rest until the lost glory of Saltpond is restored.
“We the members of Saltpond Forum are determined to fight for the restoration of Saltpond’s lost glory. We won’t stop. We won’t relent. We won’t lower the standards. We won’t rest until we are able to push issues of Saltpond to the front burner of Ghana’s public discourse.”
He said the electorates in Saltpond are not voting machines; and thus have the right to boycott voting on election day.
Historically, Saltpond served as the venue for the formation of Ghana’s great political parties including the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) and the Convention Peoples Party (CPP), that fought for independence in August 1947 and June 1949 respectively.
Saltpond, which use to be an industrial hub in the 50s, is virtually dormant now.
By: Akwesi Koranteng/