The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) will assist the country’s security agencies to maintain discipline in the country if voted into office at the December 7 polls.
The flagbearer of the party, Papa Kwesi Nduom said a PPP government “seeks to build a just, disciplined and prosperous nation. In Ghana, indiscipline leads to injustice and results in poverty for the many and wealth for the few.”
[contextly_sidebar id=”gI7E8vkqMStIgbTRrPv6zaEc5AZ3ra4E”]In a statement published on his Facebook page on Friday, Dr Nduom called on the various security agencies to vote for the party in the upcoming special voting exercise.
“As a party that believes in the progressive philosophy, we aim to better the living conditions of Ghanaian human beings and ensure continuous progress and improvement in the quality of life of the people. The PPP is asking the security organ in Ghana to vote for the party on December 1st.”
He said a PPP government will prioritize improving the conditions of service of the workers in state institutions to encourage discipline amongst them and eventually help build a disciplined society.
“We must improve the conditions of work and life of the people who work in the state institutions given the responsibility to ensure that discipline takes root in our society. At the same time, we must strengthen the institutions given the responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our people.”
He expressed regret at the conditions of service of the country’s security personnel, adding that they must be provided with modern equipment and tools that will enable them carry out their duties effectively.
“The living conditions, meaning salaries and housing must be improved. For example, a police or prison officer must be able to obtain a loan to buy a car and a mortgage to buy or build a house so that peace of mind prevails.”
“The PPP will seriously implement the national identification system to ensure the use of a common identification from birth until death. We will enforce the use of this national identification for social, banking, business and public sector purposes so we can avoid duplication of identity and allow for unique and secure determination of all citizens and residents. This will allow law enforcement officials to build criminal justice databases to be used to facilitate the work of our police, courts and others. It will allow the effective building of credit information systems. The tax authorities will be able to tackle all those who should pay tax and help government maximize revenue.”
He noted that the Progressive People’s Party intends to reform the country’s prisons by introducing light manufacturing plants to create jobs and teach employable skills there.
“The PPP will bring innovation to our prisons by implementing correctional enterprises – creating jobs and teaching employable skills on a large scale within prison walls. This will mean building prisons with light manufacturing plants to process farm produce, build furniture, repair vehicles, engage in data entry work for the ICT industry etc.”
“The Army, Navy, Air Force and Immigration services all face common challenges – how to acquire modern equipment and decent accommodation (housing and offices). This the PPP will work diligently on as the oil and gas discovery puts the country at risk to foreign and domestic challenges,” he noted.
He also assured of the expeditious passing of the Right to Information (RTI) Bill by a PPP government to promote transparency and accountability in the country.
“To help combat indiscipline and corruption in government, President Papa Kwesi Nduom will ensure the passage of the Right to Information Bill. This will promote transparency, accountability and discourage illegal transactions and acts of impunity which the country suffers from.”
By: Jonas Nyabor/
Follow @jnyabor