One of the toughest jobs at the White House is the position of Chief of Staff.
The Chief of Staff, among other things, supervises the work of government appointees.
Watch intimate interactions with former Chiefs of Staff along with two former U.S Presidents behind the closed doors of the Oval office and in a documentary titled “The Presidents’ Gatekeepers”.
“The Presidents’ Gatekeepers” shows later tonight at 7pm on TV XYZ on your multiTV Digi box and on your DTT digital TV.
The Chief Operating Officer of TV XYZ Bernie Anti in an interview with Citi News says the documentary will provide a lot of information on the role of the U.S Chief of Staff at the White House.
“It’s a documentary about some former chiefs of staff of the United States of America. It talks about the challenges, the opportunities, the strength and power that the Chief of Staff wields. It delves into the issues that are not known to the public. So this documentary seeks to reveal a lot of things from the Office of the Chief of Staff. It is very entertaining and his role in decision-making will be made known. This is just a preview to the many things we will produce for our viewers”, he said.
He added that the documentary was part of the activities scheduled for the station’s test transmission.
By: Franklin Badu Jr/