Police in the North Dayi District of the Volta Region have commenced investigations into an attack which led to the destruction of the house of the Paramount Chief, Togbe Djangbo Agawu.
Some young men who are believed to be supporters of one Togbe Nyarko, another paramount Chief in the Sovie Traditional area, allegedly vandalized portions of the house.
While confirming the attack on the chief’s house, the North Dayi District Police Commander, ASP Twumasi Ankrah, could not clarify reports that his house had been set ablaze.
“The information I have received is that the house of one Togbe Djangbo Agawu, one of the Chiefs of Sovie has been vandalized. They caused damages to the glasses of the house. Concerning the burning of the house, it is unconfirmed. According to the CID, when they went there, the youth had just lit fire in front of the house. It was something like a mob attack,” he said.
ASP Ankrah added that “according to the investigator, the complainant said that the people wanted to come and kill him. He gave two names which we cannot put out because investigations are still going on.”
It is unclear yet what may have instigated the said attack but it is suspected to be as a result of chieftaincy dispute.
By: Jeffrey Owuraku Sarpong/citifmonline.com/Ghana