#CitiTrends Episode Four: Social Media and Health vrs Ghanaian App Developers
Another great week of great stuff happening in the technology space in Ghana and #CitiTrends is keeping up with the beat.
The show features Kobby Blay, who likes to describe himself as ‘The hub of the latest information in Ghana’s healthcare industry’. He is the founder of Ghana Health Nest (GHN), an information and digital health innovations agency. He is also the Director for Health Care Social Media, Ghana – #HCSMgh. He speaks about the dynamics of social media and health care delivery in Ghana.
Eric Kumah of NewAccra.com, and Patience Teiko Tetteh, software developer with E4 Solutions, then share some thoughts on the current condition of app developers in the Ghana.
The show features two apps as well that focus on photography. There is ‘Enlight’ and Facetune for you to go try out.
Its a packed show. Enjoy