The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) has warned defaulting employers in Techiman, Brong Ahafo Region to pay up their contributions or face sanctions.
This measure, according to authorities at SSNIT, is in accordance with the National Pension Act 2008 (Act 766).
Authorities hope to use this exercise recoup lost funds for investment in other ventures.
Employees within the Techiman area have been urged to visit the nearest SSNIT office in order not to be prosecuted by the state.
The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) is a statutory public Trust charged with the administration of Ghana’s National Pension Scheme.
The Pension Scheme administered by SSNIT has a registered active membership of over one million and over 100, 000 pensioners who collect their monthly pension from SSNIT.
By: Benjamin Epton Owusu/