Wanda Pratt received an early Mother’s Day present on Tuesday that was better than any flowers, candy or cards she will receive on Sunday.
The NBA awarded Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant with this season’s Most Valuable Player award.
In a lengthy, tearful and poignant ceremony, Durant thanked his family members, every single teammate from Russell Westbrook to little-known Grant Jerrett, the entire Thunder coaching staff and organization, Oklahoma City and The Oklahoman newspaper for calling him “Mr. Unreliable.”
It was a heartfelt moment for Durant, none more so than when he referenced Pratt, his mother.
“We weren’t supposed to be here,” Durant said. “You made us believe. You kept us off the street. You put clothes on our backs. You put food on the table. When you didn’t eat, you made sure we ate and [you] went to sleep hungry.
“You sacrificed for us. You’re the real MVP.”
Pratt said the magnitude of her son being named MVP had not really hit her prior to the ceremony.
But after her son thanked her, members of Durant’s family, the Thunder, season-ticket holders and VIPs in attendance gave both Durant and his mother a standing ovation.
Hundreds of fans watching outside cheered, too.
Watch Kevin Durant thanking his mother:
By: Gary Al-Smith/Citifmonline.com/Ghana