The Ghana National Gas Company (Ghana Gas) has been nominated for the “Best Enterprise 2014” prestigious international award in quality and management.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, Dr. George Sipa-Adjah Yankey, has also been nominated in the “Manager of the Year” category.
A letter to the CEO of Ghana Gas from Ms. Mary Winger, Event Manager of the EBA Conferences, organizers of the award, said “your company was chosen when ranked against the following criteria: investment attraction, high technologies, quality and staff for professional and modern management methods.”
According to the organisers of the event, the selection of Ghana Gas and its CEO were the result of “research by the analytical centres of the Europe Business Assembly (EBA) at Oxford, UK” and in “recognition of your excellent business reputation, effective management and constant growth of the enterprise.”
Successful nominees will be honoured at an award ceremony organized by the International Socrates Committee, Summit of Leaders and supported by reputable non-profit organisations from over 16 countries.
“We are pleased to invite you to participate in the ceremony “Achievements 2014” and to present the investment and technological capacities of your company during the working panel”, Ms. Winger noted.
The “Achievements 2014” award focus on drawing business partners towards companies with modern management and reliable business reputation for cooperation. It honours the best companies across the globe.
The EBA is an independent corporation of economic, social and humanitarian collaboration founded in Oxford, UK in 2000. Its annual “Summit of Leaders”, a regular interactive platform for international collaboration, has been held in the centre of the world scientific community in Oxford, UK, since 2004. Over this period more than 6000 delegates from 56 countries have taken part and hundreds of innovative projects have been presented.
According to Baroness Susan Greenfield, CBE Professor of Pharmacology at Oxford University, a neuroscientist, and Member of the House of Lords, UK, and Mr. Derek Clark, a Member of the European Parliament the event has been “important to challenge conventional wisdom on education at all levels in the 21st century and most importantly to envisage new solutions.”
The research findings that led to the nomination of Ghana Gas, among other companies, have been presented this week at the Institute of Directors World Business in London, UK.
Ghana Gas is the only state-owned company mandated to build, own and operate infrastructure required for the gathering, processing, transporting and marketing of the natural gas resources in Ghana.
Established in 2011, Ghana Gas, which has been led by a former Adjunct Professor of Law at the International Law Institute, Georgetown University, USA, Dr. George Yankey, is tasked with the responsibility to accelerate the nation’s effort of rapid industrialization.
This will be achieved through the provision of cost competitive natural gas and gas-based products for domestic markets, including the development of petrochemical industries, fertilizer and power generation, as well as export markets.
The Atuabo Gas Processing Plant is expected to begin the supply of gas to the Aboadze Thermal Plant after the second quarter of 2014. It is initially expected to produce 70 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) of gas, with a projected increase to 120 MMscfd by the last quarter of this year.
Source: Ghana Gas Company