There is shortage of chalks and other stationery in some schools in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis of the Western Region.
Some head teachers in the twin-city say the shortage had affected teaching and learning with eleven weeks into the second term.
The head teachers, who pleaded for anonymity, said they sometimes had to use their personal resources to purchase chalks, while some relied on Parent-Teacher-Association dues.
Franklin Dzigbede, the Metropolitan Director of Education, confirmed the shortage and indicated that the situation had been created because of delay in logistical supply by the Ghana Education Service (GES) to the Metropolitan Education Logistical Directorate.
He explained that the Directorate had not received supplies this term, hence, the shortage in chalks, teachers’ note books, text books and other stationery.
However, he indicated that head teachers should use part of the previous terms Capitation Grant to deal with the situation.
“You know, every head teacher is a manager therefore he/she should have foresight about challenges in the Education Sector and plan ahead of time to deal with such emergency situations”, he opined.
Asked whether the schools had received this term’s capitation grant, Mr Dzigbede answered negatively, and indicated that the schools receive the Capitation Grant as at when the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) released them.
Source: GNA