Five Nigerian gay men were stripped naked and paraded by an angry mob through the streets of Ekurede Urhobo, Greater Warri in the West African country for being homosexuals.
The men were identified when two of them were engaged in verbal altercation over money.
According to reliable reports, one of the men, known as GP, had invited his lover from Lagos. After they had sex, his visitor refused to pay him the agreed money. As a result, GP seized the laptop and other valuables of his Lagos lover and threatened him.
In response, the Lagos lover decided to report the matter to local community chairman, who upon hearing the story sent his boys to get GP and his other gay friends.
They were subsequently apprehended and taken to the community town hall where the five were stripped naked and whipped in the presence of a large crowd.
The five were also fined N100,000 ($607) and threatened to be handed over to the police if they refused to pay the fine.
Gay marriage, public displays of same-sex relationships, and belonging to gay groups is illegal in Nigeria.
Under the Nigerian constitution, anyone who enters into a same-sex marriage or civil union can be sentenced to 14 years in prison while any such partnerships entered into abroad are not recognized.