Executive Director of the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), Vitus Azeem says calls for the activation of death penalty for corrupt politicians and public office holders is not the solution to fight the menace.
“It has not succeeded in stopping people from engaging in corruption…; I don’t think that that is something that will work in our environment.’’
A development Economist and Entrepreneur, Dr Kofi Amoah on Tuesday during a Citi FM roundtable discussion on the topic ‘’A New Economic Paradigm for Ghana’’ suggested that the state should introduce the death penalty for persons caught and charged for corruption.
“That is why I am calling for a serious consideration of introducing the death penalty for people who case corruption…’’
According to Dr Amoah this could be the only solution to the increasing rate of corruption in government.
But Speaking on Eyewitness News, Mr Vitus Azeem said death penalty is not and has never been the best approach. ‘’if you have stolen money, the money should be recovered; if you have stolen money to build houses and buy vehicles, those things should be recovered and sold.’’
He also stated that Ghana’s parliament will not pass ‘’such a law anyway, it will not yield any results and shouldn’t be considered at all.’’
Mr Azeem further mentioned that people have been shot in the past for corruption but the canker still leaves with us. ‘’Our experience has shown us it hasn’t worked.’’
‘’Action does not necessary mean death penalty,’’ he added.
By: Evans Effah/citifmonline.com/Ghana