{"id":294793,"date":"2017-02-16T12:19:24","date_gmt":"2017-02-16T12:19:24","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/citifmonline.com\/?p=294793"},"modified":"2017-02-16T12:19:24","modified_gmt":"2017-02-16T12:19:24","slug":"presidency-criticized-for-poor-photographs","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/citifmonline.com\/2017\/02\/presidency-criticized-for-poor-photographs\/","title":{"rendered":"Presidency criticized for poor photographs"},"content":{"rendered":"

The presidency has come under attack over what many have described as poor photographs of the president and his guests.<\/p>\n

The communications bureau of the seat of government, responsible for capturing and sharing images of activities of the President have been criticized for the quality of the pictures released over the past month.<\/p>\n

The latest backlash is as a result of pictures released by the presidency after the visit of the British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson.<\/p>\n

In some of the pictures, the flash was badly managed, leaving Boris Johnson with a bright glow. This has\u00a0drawn the ire of some Ghanaians on social media.<\/p>\n


Most of the photos produced by the office appear dull, have too much exposure and others with poor photo composition.<\/p>\n



Commentary on social media have suggested that the John Mahama-led government produced better photos compared to what is being churned out by the current government.<\/p>\n




Meanwhile, the Flagstaff House Flikr account created and used by the erstwhile National Democratic Congress (NDC) government under John Mahama’s presidency has been converted into the personal account of the former leader [John Mahama].<\/p>\n



By: Jonas Nyabor\/citifmonline.com\/Ghana
Follow @jnyabor<\/a><\/p>\n