{"id":232359,"date":"2016-07-20T06:05:15","date_gmt":"2016-07-20T06:05:15","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/citifmonline.com\/?p=232359"},"modified":"2016-07-20T06:05:15","modified_gmt":"2016-07-20T06:05:15","slug":"ford-gift-saga-chraj-to-receive-evidence-soon-cpp-youth","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/citifmonline.com\/2016\/07\/ford-gift-saga-chraj-to-receive-evidence-soon-cpp-youth\/","title":{"rendered":"Ford gift saga: CHRAJ to receive evidence soon – CPP youth"},"content":{"rendered":"

Members of the\u00a0Youth League of the Convention People\u2019s Party (CPP), say they are gathering all the necessary evidence on President Mahama\u2019s Ford Expedition saga as requested by the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ).<\/p>\n

The Commission asked the Youth League<\/strong> <\/span><\/a>for more evidence beyond media reports that President Mahama engaged in conflict of interest by accepting a car gift from a Burkinabe contractor, Gibril Kanazoe, in 2012.<\/p>\n

The Commission\u2019s demand \u00a0came after the Youth League petitioned the anti-graft body to investigate the President over the issue.<\/p>\n

[contextly_sidebar id=”z2mJSQt8ZfhmshFoKZXzJu106megKOoq”]President Mahama has publicly confirmed receipt of the vehicle but has rejected accusations it was a bribe.<\/p>\n

But speaking to Citi News<\/strong>, the Secretary of the Youth League, Hardi Yakubu, insisted that the President breached national laws, adding that the party will soon submit evidence to support its claim.<\/p>\n

\u201c We are quite reluctant at this moment to reveal what we have or we don\u2019t have until we file that information at CHRAJ. We will send our response and then we will tell the media what we have filed.”<\/p>\n

He further stated that, the CPP will pursue the issue until the necessary actions are taken against the President.<\/p>\n

“We are not under pressure and certainly no one can give us pressure to drop the case. We are quite determined to ensure the logical conclusion of this. We are revolutionary and we do not yield to pressure on things like these. We have to follow it.\u201d<\/p>\n

Background <\/strong><\/p>\n

The youth of the CPP on July 20, 2016, petitioned CHRAJ to probe President Mahama\u2019s acceptance of the Ford Expedition gift from the contractor, Djibril Kanazoe.<\/p>\n

The party\u2019s youth wing argues that, the circumstances surrounding the gift and the acceptance of it by President Mahama, contravened the 1992 constitution.<\/p>\n

The Burkinabe in question has been accused of \u2018bribing\u2019 President John Mahama with the\u00a0expensive vehicle in an attempt to win a contract to execute a road construction project.<\/p>\n

He admitted giving President Mahama a 2010 Ford Expedition vehicle as a gift when he was Vice President in 2012, for which the President called to thank him.<\/p>\n


By: Marian Ansah\/citifmonline.com\/Ghana
Follow @EfeAnsah<\/a>