{"id":219024,"date":"2016-06-02T07:23:12","date_gmt":"2016-06-02T07:23:12","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/citifmonline.com\/?p=219024"},"modified":"2016-06-02T07:23:12","modified_gmt":"2016-06-02T07:23:12","slug":"lower-court-judges-angry-over-salary-slash","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/citifmonline.com\/2016\/06\/lower-court-judges-angry-over-salary-slash\/","title":{"rendered":"Lower court judges angry over salary slash"},"content":{"rendered":"

Lower court judges within the judicial service have issued a stern warning to government to immediately abandon a planned move to revise their conditions of service.<\/p>\n

The judges who work in the magistrate and circuit courts across the country feel they are being short-changed with the proposal presented to them for a review of their salaries.<\/p>\n

[contextly_sidebar id=”rC3yWYDnKP2WKNzSHQHkrjh6kBuINzGY”]Speaking on behalf of the judges, His Honor Aboagye Tandor, said they will advise themselves if nothing is done about their concerns.<\/p>\n

\u201cCertain reforms have been done with regards to our salaries without any views or recourse to us. No inputs were made to us and we saw that there were some discrepancies so our members were of the view that the purported letter that was brought should be withdrawn.We were surprised that as members of the lower bench we would have conditions reviewed even before we are notified. You cannot review that recourse, it should be withdrawn…\u201d<\/p>\n

JUSSAG calls off strike<\/strong><\/p>\n

Their concerns come barely 24 hours after the Judicial Service Staff Association (JUSSAG) called off their strike.<\/strong><\/span><\/a><\/p>\n

The National President of JUSSAG, Alex Nartey, said the Association has reached an agreement with government on the implementation of their consolidated salaries.<\/p>\n

\u201cThe National Executive Council of JUSSAG has concluded a framework with government and management in a bid to implement our proposed salary structure and we are here this morning to announce to you that it has become necessary to appeal to all members of the Judicial Service Staff Association of Ghana and all workers of the Judicial service to resume work immediately,\u201d he said.<\/p>\n

The members of JUSSAG had been on strike for the past two weeks over government\u2019s failure to implement the consolidation of salaries and allowances for its members.<\/p>\n


By: Marian Ansah\/citifmonline.com\/Ghana
Follow @EfeAnsah<\/a>