{"id":112747,"date":"2015-04-30T12:25:55","date_gmt":"2015-04-30T12:25:55","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/4cd.e16.myftpupload.com\/?p=112747"},"modified":"2015-04-30T13:32:26","modified_gmt":"2015-04-30T13:32:26","slug":"minimalist-or-makedoist-avoid-being-a-baggage-battle-stereotype","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/citifmonline.com\/2015\/04\/minimalist-or-makedoist-avoid-being-a-baggage-battle-stereotype\/","title":{"rendered":"Minimalist or makedoist \u2013 avoid being a baggage battle stereotype"},"content":{"rendered":"

The next time you\u2019re at an airport take a look around. The minimalists usually have a slightly superior swagger and the everyeventualityists look a bit worried.<\/p>\n

Of course there are many manifestations of the ways people pack for a holiday or business trip. The interesting thing is that it doesn\u2019t really matter where they\u2019re going, the main categories are generally the same.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Minimalists:<\/strong> The challenge is to see how little they can take and get away with it. These are people who, when on extended trips, may need to reverse their underwear more than once. Other than that they\u2019re entirely harmless and leave plenty of space in the overhead lockers for everyone else.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Everyeventualityists:<\/strong> As the name suggests, these are the people who want to be ready for anything. They have sunblock and raincoats, hiking boots and high heels, beach towels and parkas. Try not to get behind them at the baggage drop or check in queue, because even if their motto is \u2018be prepared\u2019 they won\u2019t have paid the excess baggage allowance in advance.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Chancers:<\/strong> These are guys (usually) who clamber on board with a large laptop bag, suit carrier and cabin luggage, bumping the heads of their fellow passengers as they struggle to their seats. They tend to board early and fill the overhead compartments so there\u2019s no room for anybody else\u2019s bags.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Exceptionalists:<\/strong> Carry large curios, outsized musical instruments (didgeridoos are a favourite) or unwieldy sports equipment. They cannot understand why given their talent, special circumstances, incredible good looks or wonderful personalities the airline cannot make an exception and let them take their precious item on board.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Makedoists:<\/strong> Brown paper packages tied up in string are amongst their favourite things. They take the view that duct tape and cardboard boxes were invented before suitcases. They\u2019re usually fairly harmless unless their homemade suitcases burst open. This always happens somewhere likely to cause most inconvenience to fellow travellers.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Inadvertentists:<\/strong> Their luggage defines what the average suitcase looks like. As a consequence these are the people who will inadvertently take your suitcase off the carousel. You thought you had them fooled by putting an identifying bit of pink ribbon on it, but they came up with exactly the same ruse.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Indignants: <\/strong>The security rules have been put in place specifically to inconvenience them. They\u2019ll be carrying liquids in containers of over 100ml, not understand why they have to take their laptops out of their bags, be outraged at needing to take off their shoes. Worst of all they\u2019ll debate each point at length with the security personnel and anyone near them in the queue. You\u2019ll always be behind them.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Flusterers:<\/strong> Pack documentation such as boarding passes, ID books or passports at the bottom of their bags. This means a lengthy delay every time they are required to produce some essential document. They are typically slow learners as each time a document has been examined they carefully repack it in its safe place. This means delays at check-in, security, passport control and boarding gates.<\/p>\n

Of course this isn\u2019t nearly a complete list, so do feel free to consider other categories. On the other hand if you want to avoid some of the worst packing pitfalls here are some tips from some very experienced packers \u2013 British Airways\u2019 international cabin crew.<\/p>\n