NDC and NPP supporters clash Archives - Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always https://citifmonline.com/tag/ndc-and-npp-supporters-clash/ Ghana News | Ghana Politics | Ghana Soccer | Ghana Showbiz Mon, 10 Jul 2017 12:24:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.8 https://citifmonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-CITI-973-FM-32x32.jpg NDC and NPP supporters clash Archives - Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always https://citifmonline.com/tag/ndc-and-npp-supporters-clash/ 32 32 1 killed in NPP, NDC supporters clash in Asunafo South https://citifmonline.com/2017/07/npp-ndc-supporters-clash-in-asunafo-south/ Mon, 10 Jul 2017 12:24:25 +0000 http://citifmonline.com/?p=335215 One person has been killed at Sankore in the Asunafo South district of the Brong Ahafo Region during some clashes between supporters of the governing New patriotic Party (NPP) and the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC). The deceased, popularly known as Gatuso, who lives at Sankore Zongo, was gunned down on Saturday night during […]

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One person has been killed at Sankore in the Asunafo South district of the Brong Ahafo Region during some clashes between supporters of the governing New patriotic Party (NPP) and the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The deceased, popularly known as Gatuso, who lives at Sankore Zongo, was gunned down on Saturday night during the riot while two persons sustained gun wounds.

It is unclear whether the riot was linked to the tension between the supporters of the two main political giants.

[contextly_sidebar id=”Ejg5C6JZnsbM8YEWOzZU9DcEeBU6VENu”]Confirming the incident to Citi News, the Asunafo South District Police Commander, ASP Kwasi Boakye said: “on Saturday…a boy was shot dead out of some misunderstanding, at Sankore  at Sankore Zongo”.

“We are yet to establish the actual cause but so far what I have is that there is one Atta Kwasi that the NPP boys are also not happy with him be in the town, because of how he (Atta Kwasi) handled them during NDC time. So they would like to see him either in police custody or prison because of the crimes that he committed. So any time they see him they would like to arrest him and he is very evasive too. We have told them that they should inform the police so that we go in to arrest him, but you know tempers are always high against him, that one also contributed to it. I learnt that they saw him and wanted to arrest him and some NDC supporters went in to support him and it got to that,” he said.

He said Atta Kwasi is on police wanted list but attempts to arrest him proved futile.

ASP Boakye said two persons have so far been arrested and many declared wanted while investigations continue.

The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Goaso Government Hospital morgue for autopsy.

We can’t develop with violence – Asunafo South DCE

The clashes come on the back of a call by the District Chief Executive (DCE) for the area, Osei Bonsu Snr, for peace to prevail in the district.

According to him, development initiatives can only thrive in a peaceful environment. He lamented the situation where the assembly’s resources are channeled to maintaining law and order instead of being used to execute development projects.

Violence in Asunafo South
Asunafo South is one of the hot spots in the country especially during election periods.

In 2016, some residents of the area vandalized the office of the Electoral Commission during a special exercise to register new voters.

By: Atiewin Mohammed/citifmonline.com/Ghana

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