I love you Archives - Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always https://citifmonline.com/tag/i-love-you/ Ghana News | Ghana Politics | Ghana Soccer | Ghana Showbiz Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:58:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.8 https://citifmonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-CITI-973-FM-32x32.jpg I love you Archives - Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always https://citifmonline.com/tag/i-love-you/ 32 32 Val’s day: 4 Unique ways of saying ‘I love you’ https://citifmonline.com/2017/02/vals-day-4-unique-ways-of-saying-i-love-you/ Thu, 09 Feb 2017 10:58:04 +0000 http://citifmonline.com/?p=292466 Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. For those of you who don’t know, this year it’s on February 14. For those of you who are really clueless, it is always on February 14. If you aren’t the gift-giving type, that’s okay, because there are other things you can do to show your love. All ladies want […]

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Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching.

For those of you who don’t know, this year it’s on February 14. For those of you who are really clueless, it is always on February 14. If you aren’t the gift-giving type, that’s okay, because there are other things you can do to show your love.

All ladies want to feel loved and cherished on the holiday that’s made for lovers. So instead of writing, “I love you” in a card, here are four unique ways to express your love. An added bonus is that she’ll really appreciate the extra work and thoughtfulness that you put behind these actions.

1. Do a service for her

Surprise her by taking her car to get detailed or having the house professionally cleaned. Think of the chores she least enjoys and take care of a couple of them for her. If money is tight and you can’t hire a professional service, then take it upon yourself to do something, like packing the kid’s lunches in advance for a week or doing her laundry for her.

Why it’s great

If she’s used to doing the housework, she’ll love the extra break you gave her. And by taking care of the dirty work that she loathes the most, she will feel cared about and loved. She’ll definitely be bragging to her girlfriends about the tasks you took on.

2. Make her something.

If you have a way with words, then turn those into a romantic poem she won’t forget. If you are musical, then turn those words into a song that you can perform for her. If you can cook, then make her a special dinner. Take a special skill of yours and turn it into a gift. If you can’t think of anything you could create, then write a Top 10 list of reasons you love and appreciate her.

Why it’s great

Part of the reason she loves you is because of the unique things that make you you. When you use that part of yourself to show you love her it just deepens her affection for you. Poetry is one of the most romantic things, but not every guy can write it. And nearly every woman alive would love the chance to be personally serenaded, but that’s not most of us. However, we each have some ways that are unique to us that we can use to say, “I love you” in a way that she’ll never forget.

3. Buy something that is about her.

Forgo your usual box of chocolates or bouquet of red roses this year and get her a gift that is unique to her as a way to show your love. You can get her a gift certificate for a massage, order her a subscription to her favorite magazine, or buy that yoga mat she has been saying she wants. It doesn’t have to be expensive – it just has to be about her.

Why it’s great

She’ll appreciate the fact that you thought outside the box, specifically about her, and got her something different that she’ll really enjoy. Sometimes women can have a hard time splurging on themselves, so taking care of it for her makes it extra luxurious.

4. Plan a special day around her.

Quality time is one way that people often feel most loved. If this is the case for your sweetie, then have her set a day aside and plan a day for the two of you. You can take her wine tasting, go on a hike and have a picnic, or enjoy visiting a new city together.

Why it’s great

If her love language is quality time she will love that you thought of this. Time is something a lot of women want the most from us. Spending the whole day together will make her feel loved, romanced without all that feeling stuff, and will build connection between the two of you as you enjoy experiencing the day’s events together.

Saying “I love you” comes in many forms and can be expressed in many different ways. It’s important to show your partner your love through both words and actions, so give her your time and give her you. If you do, you can make her fall in love with you all over again, and not just on Valentine’s day but all throughout the year.

Source: Good men project

The post Val’s day: 4 Unique ways of saying ‘I love you’ appeared first on Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always.
