Chief Justice nominee Archives - Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always Ghana News | Ghana Politics | Ghana Soccer | Ghana Showbiz Mon, 19 Jun 2017 06:09:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chief Justice nominee Archives - Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always 32 32 Appointments Committee presents report on Sophia Akuffo today Mon, 19 Jun 2017 06:09:59 +0000 The Appointments Committee of Parliament is expected to present its report on the Chief Justice nominee Sophia Akuffo to the House later today[Monday]. This follows its public vetting of the nominee last Friday [June 16]. The over five-hour long vetting process saw Justice Sophia Akuffo answer questions on the challenges within the country’s legal system, […]

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The Appointments Committee of Parliament is expected to present its report on the Chief Justice nominee Sophia Akuffo to the House later today[Monday].

This follows its public vetting of the nominee last Friday [June 16].

The over five-hour long vetting process saw Justice Sophia Akuffo answer questions on the challenges within the country’s legal system, the regulations on touting, the status and relevance of the Ghana Law School, practice of mob justice, external interference of the judiciary among others.

The Committee’s report would be considered by the plenary after which a decision on her approval would be taken by the House.

Although Parliament does not usually sit on Mondays, today’s session is to enable members to consider the nomination of the Chief Justice and hasten the process to have her assume office as soon as possible.

Justice Sophia Akuffo
Justice Sophia Akuffo

The House had initially planned to host the nominee today for her vetting, but reconsidered the decision and announced last week Wednesday that it had to bring forward the date to avoid keeping the Chief Justice position vacant for long.

The first Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Chairman of the Appointments Committee, Joseph Osei-Owusu told pressmen on Wednesday that it was necessary to fast-track the vetting to ensure that Justice Akuffo when approved fills in the position ahead of the retirement of the acting Chief Justice, William Atuguba.

By: Jonas Nyabor/

The post Appointments Committee presents report on Sophia Akuffo today appeared first on Citi 97.3 FM - Relevant Radio. Always.
