Hopes of survival for aone-month-old baby Salifu Faiziatu who was born with Spinal Bifida, is at the all-time high, following the donation by the McDan Foundation for her surgery.
Spinal Bifida is a birth defect in which a developing baby’s spinal cord fails to develop properly.
Causes of spinal bifida are varied in nature – ranging from genetic, nutritional, and environmental factors as well as insufficient intake of folic acid—a common B vitamin—in mothers’ diet.
In Ghana, there are no clear statistics on this birth defect, hence it is difficult to rate the seriousness or otherwise of the disease in the country.
However, doctors at the Tamale Teaching hospital said five out of 90 children born at the facility suffers spinal bifida of which baby Salifu Faiziatu is one of them.
Her parents’ hopes of raising 7,000 cedis for a corrective surgery appeared mission impossible.
Baby Salifu Faizaitu’s parents were told by doctors at the Tamale Teaching Hospital that, if they don’t raise the money for their child’s surgery immediately, she might not survive. The helpless parents of the child who are farmers informed the Tamale chief about their predicament and solicited his support.
The chief of Tamale, Dapkema Naa Alhassan Dawuni upon hearing the harrowing story of the child’s condition called the group chairman of McDan to come to the aid of Baby Faiziatu.
Dr. Daniel Mckorley who was enskined as the Gugba Naa of Tamale on December 17, 2017 was moved to compassion and yielded to the Tamale chief’s appeal.
As a result the McDan Foundation led by Abigail Mckorley, wife of the McDan Group chairman donated 7,000 cedis for the child’s surgery and an additional 3,000 cedis for his post-surgery upkeep.
“We’re happy to give hope to the parents of this child. The expression on their faces says it all – they’re grateful. That’s what the McDan Foundation is about. We touch lives.” Abigail Mckorley said.
The Group Chairman of the McDan group, Dr. Daniel Mckorley is encouraging corporate Ghana and businesses to channel their resources into charity and development.
The surgery is due to take place at the Tamale Teaching hospital.
The parents of Salifu Faiziatu and the medical staff of the Tamale teaching hospital were exceedingly happy for the timely intervention of the McDan Foundation.
The McDan Foundation is a charity wing of the McDan Group of companies that supports underprivileged people in society especially children.
Credit: McDan Foundation