The National Digital Property Addressing System, also known as the Ghana Post GPS, has been launched with President Nana Akufo-Addo urging Ghanaians from various sectors to take advantage of it.
Speaking at the launch, President Akufo-Addo expressed the hope that this new address database will create an avenue for new businesses, and aid systematic revenue collection by the likes the Ghana Water Company and local government.
The President said he expected the relevant institutions to “liaise with the Ministry of Communication and Ghana Post, who are the custodians and administrators of the system, to leverage on this technology to enhance their operations.”
The system, which was designed by Ghanaian information technology firm, Vokacom, will provide every Ghanaian with an effective means of addressing every location and place in the country, using an information technology application.
The lack of an efficient addressing system forces Ghanaians to develop a culture of relying on directions from people navigating areas via basic landmarks like shops, drains or electricity poles in some cases.
This state of affairs becomes more precarious when lives are on the line as first responders in emergency situations find navigation difficult.
Thus, the President highlighted how critical this technology would be for emergency responders like the police and ambulance services, introducing prospects for levels of timeliness and efficiency which is lacking in Ghana.
“Law enforcement agencies can easily assess addresses more effectively in order to deal with crime. Health, fire and ambulance services can effectively locate property locations in order to save lives at a faster rate,” President Akufo-Addo said.
He also noted the role the addressing card would play in the implementation of the Ghana Card and said it was his hope that “all individuals and properties will be able to obtain their own unique addresses as we strive to build a credible national address register.”
President Akufo-Addo further assured that his government will provide the required leadership to promote Ghanaian-made technology like the Ghana Post GPS.
By: Delali Adogla-Bessa/