Comments on: Sydney’s apology to Parliament ‘weak’ – Ras Mubarak Ghana News | Ghana Politics | Ghana Soccer | Ghana Showbiz Fri, 14 Jul 2017 21:14:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Obuobi Gregory Fri, 14 Jul 2017 21:14:00 +0000 Ras Mubarak:’And I think he knew what he was doing.’
Ras Mubarak appears sensible to me. Sidney Casely-Hayford did know what he was about by his assessment judgment of parliament. Sidney closely monitors events in the country, I know. His judgment is personal but strongly buttressed by his perceptions of his recordings. Parliament needs to draw Mr. Sydney Casely-Hayford to the floor of parliament for questioning. His responses may betray some possible flaws parliament may have overlooked in its deliberations, and that needs examining and rectifying. i think parliament will thereby learn from what appears ‘obstreperous’ judgmental assessment by our gentleman, Mr. Sydney Casely-Hayford.Let Mr. Casely-Hayford prove to parliament the recorded events he feels justify his judgment.
Parliament learns.
Casely learns.
The country learns thereby.
Ghana grows by tolerance thereby. Democracy grows by tolerance of criticisms, however unpalatable.
