Arnold Schwarzenegger regrets that he’s unable to run for president because he wasn’t born in the US.
“If I’d been born in America, I would’ve run,” he told Adweek in a new cover interview. “Because now? This was a very good time to get in the race.”
In the wake of Donald Trump’s controversy over a leaked “Access Hollywood” tape, Schwarzenegger announced on Twitter to his nearly four million followers that he won’t be voting for the real-estate mogul.
“For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for president,” he wrote.
As governor, Schwarzenegger was known to utilize stunts and gimmicks to get people’s attention — something he learned as a young man in the 1960s.
“I realized early on in bodybuilding that you have to be able to sell yourself, your ideas, your position to the public,” he said. “You have to set yourself apart, whether it’s policy or movies. How do you make them remember you?”
Fiscally conservative and socially liberal, Schwarzenegger would certainly have rocked the boat if he were allowed to run in this race.
“I didn’t love politics, but I love policy,” he said.
Source: Business Insider