An acute shortage of midwives has hit the Walewale Government Hospital in the Northern Region.
A major health facility serving four districts in Mamprugu land, the Walewale Government Hospital, can boast of only 14 midwives.
This, according to the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Abukari Abdulai, is affecting health care delivery.
Dr. Abukari Abdulai thus supported calls for the establishment of a Midwifery School in Mamprugu land.
He spoke at the official inauguration of a bipartisan group called Zaabuni for development where he appealed to parents to religiously teach sex education at home.
He also called for deeper collaboration between the hospital management and development partners.
Dr. Abukari Abdulai commended leadership of the Zaabuni for development group for the vision and urged it to stay focused.
The West Mamprusi District topped the list of areas in the Northern Region where the prevalence of HIV/AIDS is high.
By: Abdul Karim Naatogmah/