Comments on: Muslim woman faces 100 lashes: Gender Ministry awaits Police report to act Ghana News | Ghana Politics | Ghana Soccer | Ghana Showbiz Fri, 24 Apr 2015 01:52:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lilithwept Fri, 24 Apr 2015 01:52:00 +0000 this is being done under Islamic Law, Sharia Law. And under Sharia Law if this woman got pregnant ( by a man not her husband,before he died) it is a crime…

((( The Purpose of Iddah is to determine if a woman( widowed or divorced) is pregnant by her former husband! So that if/when she remarries the paternity of the child is not in question. The Iddah of a widow is four months and ten days, This means a widow can not remarry for at least 4 months and 10 days, FYI )))

Just a few lashes nearly killed a man in Saudi, hurt him so badly he couldnt be given the remainder of the ordered lashes. What are 100 lashes going to do to a pregnant woman!!!! And a woman can only be lashed on her back and shoulders, not her whole body as a man can be lashed. There are photos online of what these “lashings” can do to the human body!

Think of how revolted and disgusted you feel right now thought of a pregnant woman being beaten with a whip 100 times……….and Remember those feelings when you hear ” Sharia Law” or hear how Islamic law is fo fair and better for women than Western law………and when you hear how the Muslims in your country want to replace Western law with Islamic law, Sharia Law!!!! Educate yourself, Read the Quran and read about Muhammed’s life and what was happening when a particular verse/chapter was believed to have been revealed by Muhammed’s God. Thousands of Muslims, who believe the Quran is the literal, uncorrupted word of God and absolutely MUST be obeyed, who believe that Muhammed was the most perfect example of a man and who’s example should be followed, and who believe that Western Laws are bad because they were made by men not God and who want to replace Western Law with Sharia, thousands of Muslims who believe all this, and more, are immigrating to Western countries.
Some of these Muslims are going to Universities and Colleges and they are getting positions in your Goverment and getting into positions of power and influence in every organization from your local,Police Department to the CIA and FBI. What domyou think these Muslims are going to do? Will they obey, support and defend Western Law? Or will,they gradually, one lawsuit at a time, take your country, your Freedoms and your Rights away from you?

By: Allah is Dead Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:11:00 +0000 Savages
