Every movie involving a fratboy-type, married male lead will brush upon the most clichéd stereotype of monogamy—that once we say “I do,” we stop having sex.
Well, apparently sex isn’t all we stop having. A new survey revealed that nearly one in five married couples go without kissing for as long as one week at a time.
And when they do finally lock lips, it will last no longer than five seconds for 40 percent of them.
Five percent of those age 45 and up squeeze in more than 30 kisses per week, which averages out to just over four per day. So, not counting a presumed “good morning” and “good night” kiss, that leaves two others.
Even younger couples age 18 to 24—not necessarily married—make some time for romance, with an average of 11 kisses per week, or less than two per day.5 Reasons Kissing Is Good For You
The results were released in an effort to publicize the BHF’s Emergency Life Skills campaign and highlight the importance of knowing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation—called the “kiss of life” overseas.
Stateside, we think this survey emphasizes the need for a romantic boost in our relationships.
Source: yourtango.com