Teachers of public basic schools in the Tamale Metro Area have joined the on-going nationwide labour unrest implemented by 12 labour unions including the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT).
They abandoned the classrooms on the first day of the strike to push government to release their accrued Second Tier Pension contribution to be managed by a private company.
The striking teachers have since instructed their pupils to stay home until further notice.
This is happening at a time several research findings have revealed the increasing falling standard of education in the Northern Region.
Frustrated pupils of Kukuo AME Zion were hopelessly found loitering on the school premises.
They made a passionate appeal to government to resolve the labour impasse for their teachers to return to the classroom.
Meanwhile, patients seeking medical services at the Tamale Teaching Hospital are appealing to the striking Doctors to return to post.
Doctors there have laid down their tools in compliance with the Ghana Medical Association (GMA’s) directive.
By: Abdul Karim Naatogmah/citifmonline.com/Ghana