Comments on: 5 things everyone needs to understand about breast cancer awareness Ghana News | Ghana Politics | Ghana Soccer | Ghana Showbiz Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:07:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bab Dho Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:07:00 +0000 The most important thing “everyone needs to understand about breast cancer awareness” is that the dominant people/groups spreading awareness, such as the pink ribbon cult, are spreading disinformation and distortions of the real truth.

The recognition that Komen, the American Cancer Society, and other pink ribbon organizations are big businesses, by and large, instead of “charities” is the first step towards getting to the actual truth. And, closely following it, that the cancer industry and the pink ribbon movement has been misleading the public by suppressing sound alternative cancer therapies, using deceptive cancer statistics, and by making non-scientific propaganda/advertisement claims about the benefit of mammography ( read the epilogue of this article: google/bing “A Mammogram Letter The British Medical Journal Censored”).
